Revista Populus aims to create an environment for permanent academic discussion in Electoral Law, Political Science (institutional line), Political Philosophy, Political Sociology and related areas through the dissemination of articles by jurists, social scientists, philosophers, law operators and researchers on current issues affecting the political-electoral scenario in Brazil and worldwide.


1. The Escola Judiciária Eleitoral da Bahia receives, in a permanent call, unpublished articles for publication in Populus Magazine.

2. The submissions must comply with the editorial norms contained in this regulation and with the guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT), except, in relation to the latter, when the submissions are from foreign authors.

3. The article submitted for publication in Revista Populus must be unpublished.

3.1. The authors grant the journal the right to the first publication, maintaining its copyright. After publication, the authors may publish the article in other magazines or books, as long as the reference to the original publication is included.

4. The submission of the article should be done at

5. It will be necessary to send, together with the article, the Submission Form, which contains a declaration of unpublished work and authorization for publication, digitally signed or scanned, by the author or authors, according to the specific form found on page

5.1 In case of co-authorship, papers with a maximum of 3 (three) authors will be accepted.

5.2 The form may be waived in the case of authors invited by the Editorial Board.

6. After prior analysis by the editors (desk review) on the adequacy of the text to the editorial line, the article will be submitted to double blind review by the referees. If there are contradictory opinions, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer.

6.1 The articles will be evaluated considering the following criteria: a) structure of the work (introduction, theoretical reference and conclusion); b) satisfactory conceptual basis, adequacy between the objectives, methodology used and conclusion of the work; c) compliance with publication standards; and d) need for spelling and grammatical revision. In the end, the evaluator can conclude with the publication or not, or even the publication, provided that the author makes the suggested changes.

6.2 The articles of the invited authors, which may not exceed 25% of the total number of published articles, will not be evaluated.

7. The opinions expressed by the author will be of his exclusive responsibility and do not represent the understanding of the Escola Judiciária Eleitoral da Bahia.

8. No authorial remuneration will be due.

9. The article may be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French or Italian and should contain as pre-textual elements:

9.1. Title in Portuguese and in English, centralized and highlighted in bold, using the font Times New Roman, size 13;

9.2. If the text is written in Spanish, French or Italian, it must also contain the title in that language;

9.3. An abstract that synthesizes the topic discussed, in the language of the text, in Portuguese and in English (abstract), written in a single paragraph (80 to 200 words), followed by 05 (five) keywords for bibliographic indexing.

10. The text must be structured with introduction, development and conclusion, considering that:

10.1. The introduction will contain the delimitation of the theme treated and the objectives of the work;

Última atualização: segunda, 27 Nov 2023, 17:53